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Gated vascular CT uses x-ray scanners and synchronization with the cardiac cycle to obtain precise images of blood vessels. This examination allows detailed assessment of arteries and veins, minimizing artifacts due to cardiac motion, and is essential for diagnosing vascular pathologies and planning interventions.
Cardiac and coronary multiphase CT is an imaging technique that uses X-ray scanners to obtain multiphase images of the heart and coronary vessels. This method allows detailed visualization of the coronary arteries, heart structures and can help evaluate coronary artery disease or cardiac abnormalities.
High-Resolution Cardiac Coronagraphy High-resolution cardiac coronagraphy is a precise imaging test using x-ray scanners to obtain detailed images of the coronary arteries. This technique allows careful visualization of the coronary arteries and is used to diagnose coronary artery disease, plan interventions and assess the condition of coronary stents or bridges.